Jack Harkins
Sunapee, NH.
Jack Harkins grew up in Coral Gables Florida and studied architecture at Miami
Dade College and the University of Minnesota. He graduated from the Rhode Island
School of Design with Bachelor of Fine Arts and Bachelor of Industrial Design degrees
in the 1970s. He retired in 2016 after a career of co-founding and leading ‘Farm’, a
medical product research, design and engineering consultancy.
Jack and his wife Sara, who is a native of South Sutton, moved to Sunapee from
Hollis, NH after spending weekends and vacations in the area for many years. They
enjoy time with their three sons’ families, including seven grandchildren. He pursues
other interests including working on his antique FJ40 Landcruiser, woodworking,
snowshoeing and boating on Lake Sunapee.
Jack was a painter prior to graduation from college and took it up again before
retirement from Farm. He enjoys painting local subjects including landscapes, sailboats
racing, boathouses, old trucks / tractors and other features of the Lake Sunapee area
and greater New England. Jack works primarily in oils – his style is representational with
a leaning towards contemporary impressionism. He has studied with noted artists David
Lussier, Aline Ordman, Colley Whisson of Australia and his sister Donna Harkins, a
recognized ‘Master Painter’ who paints and teaches in Portsmouth NH.
His work has been sold at charity auctions and has been selected by jurors for
Center for the Arts exhibitions in New London and Sunapee including an award for best
in show. His paintings can be seen at Prospect Hill Antiques in Sunapee Harbor, NH
(prospecthillantiques.com) Jack can be reached at jackharkins77@gmail.com.